Role of government has changed in U.S.
Even a cursory examination of laws and court rulings will reveal how government has purposely subverted our Constitution for their ends. The role of government has changed from protecting our God-given rights to a government bent on eliminating our rights. Nearly, every facet of our lives is impacted by government pronouncing what we may or may not do, all under the threat of some penalty if we do not comply. This is absolutely counter to the Constitution’s edict to hold an individual’s life, liberty and property inviolable. The vast majority in government totally ignore the Constitution they swore to uphold. If an oath is their word to obey, and if ignored, what can we conclude about their words to us? Are not these words just mere platitudes or blatant lies? Most people do not see what is happening to this nation due to the corruption of those in government. This is evidenced by their willingness, having been brainwashed, to return the same culprits to inflict further pain. Government aids and abets this destruction of the nation by allowing millions of people to enter, either legally or illegally, for the purpose of creating greater dependence on government for their sustenance. Congressmen do nothing to stop the judiciary from creating laws, instead of ensuring that the judiciary only says whether a law is constitutional or not. There are few or no restraints on the executive branch as regards to law, regulations or executive orders. To quote coach Mitchell Goldstein in NewsWithViews, “Those still believing we are a government of the people, by the people and for the people should now see that we really are a government of the corrupted, by the deceitful and for the powerful.” You decide — government enslavement or liberty? I choose to fight for liberty. n Robert B. Murray II, Ph.D., CaldwellBob, you got a real hold on the truth. Too bad more people don't share your ideas. This nations' legislature folks are indeed crooks and possibly evil beings. They are there for their own aggrandizement not for the betterment of their fellow man. This is the power that money has over them. The more power, the more corruptions. We need to clean house. We need to take these barbarians to task and actually arrest them for their crimes if they've committed crimes.
I am a firm believer in what you have said. I have said it myself...Many Times. But I feel like I'm a lone man screaming in the wilderness. Thank God you're there too.
Thanks Bob.
Shannon Ozuna, Caldwell: thank you for your thank you. Let's see if any other pol says thank you for us electing them!
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