Obama favors collective over individual rights
President Obama believes in
collective rights, not individual rights!
- Obamacare
- 1-2 percent. The rich have to give their fair share (by whose standards?)
- War on fat. Tax on sodas and shakes. Smaller portions, restaurant restrictions.
- War on women. They should all have birth control and abortions.
- Gun control.
- Immigration. Open borders, collective citizenship. If you do your own homework, look up the meaning of “socialist.”Draw your own conclusions. People who want gun control or no guns at all are telling law-abiding citizens they don’t trust them. They don’t trust women or think they’re not smart enough to defend themselves against a stalker or rapist or someone breaking into their home by using a gun when help is not available . Suck it up, let criminals have their way. Don’t defend yourself or your family.
1. Libya: Four Americans dead and they asked for help.
2. Fast and Furious: Gun trafficking, two Americans killed. They were in control of it.
3. Sandy Hook, Columbine: Not enough time for law enforcers to stop all the killing.
4. Gulf oil spill, Katrina: Government’s dismal response and help.
I could go on. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Government doesn’t solve problems, it just adds to them.
Obama has guards at his children's school and for his family. Does that mean his family and children are more important than yours?
I don’t own a gun, but I’m sure thinking about it now.
Why Obama is using the gun issue? Opportunity. He doesn’t want anyone, especially Congress or the media, to focus on the problems he hasn’t or won’t try to solve, such as debt, jobs, Dodd-Frank, tort reform, etc.
Margaret Lee, Caldwell
Good lord, Margaret, where to begin. You are so wrong in so many cases, it's difficult to know where to start. So....let's take these issues one at a time.
First off, I guess I can consider you are Republican, right? Okay, then let me make another assumption. You get your information from Right Wing press and TV like Fox News, right? The problem starts right there. You are listening, reading and watching very biased sources and getting information from biases sources with agendas that are Right Wing driven. Margaret, there's another side...actually, several other sides.
You said: “President Obama believes in collective rights,” what does that mean? Obama believes in the rights of the citizenry rather than the one-person right. Is that what you mean? The preamble to the Constitution says Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness by one AND all. So, to say that Obama is for Collectivism is a banal argument and without any facts to back it up. Let's carry that a bit farther:
Collectivism: people's ownership and management: the system of control and ownership of factories and farms and of the means of production and distribution of products by a nation's people.
What in the world gives you the idea this president or any president has ever believed in Collectivism? Are you saying the President of the United States is a Communist? If so, you are severely deluded. Who bailed out the banks and General Motors, then gave them back their corporations? Does that sound like Collectivism? It sounds like just the opposite.
You said: “Obamacare” Obamacare, what? Are you saying the Healthcare Act is Collectivism? Healthcare is simply, healthcare. People pay for it, that sounds like capitalism to me. If Obamacare is Collectivism, then so is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the following departments: Department of Energy, Department of Education, Department of Commerce, Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation...these are all social programs, therefore, according to your definition are examples of Collectivism. Should we do away with them?
You said: “War on fat. Tax on sodas and shakes. Smaller portions, restaurant restrictions.” What? What the hell do any of those things have to do with Collectivism? By your definition, they have more to do with...I don't know...uh, intelligent suggestions. So, there are taxes on nearly everything. Is that Collectivism? Don't think so, Margaret.
You said: “War on women. They should all have birth control and abortions.” Remember that little thing called Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness? Doesn't that include one's body? Again, there is no Collectivism here.
You said: “Immigration. Open borders, collective citizenship. If you do your own homework, look up the meaning of “socialist.”” Okay: A political system of communal ownership: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles
- movement based on socialism: a political movement based on principles of socialism, typically advocating an end to private property and to the exploitation of workers
- stage between capitalism and communism: in Marxist
theory, the stage after the proletarian revolution when a society is
changing from capitalism to communism, marked by pay distributed
according to work done rather than need
Republic: a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. That means Congressmen and Senators.
You said: “The only problem is help is not always available when you really need it.” No guff? Really? What a dumb thing to say. Someone shoots someone in your neighborhood and the cops are not there at that exact time and you're saying they're not there when you need them? What the hell do you expect? Katrina? Who would have thought that thing would have been as terrible as it was... Mistakes made? Yep. But should we dump our government because it didn't instantly respond? Does the phase 'Baby – Bath Water ring a bell?
You said: I could go on. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Government doesn’t solve problems, it just adds to them.
Obama has guards at his children's school and for his family. Does that mean his family and children are more important than yours?
Let me see. Is my kid less important than the leader of the free world's kid? Hmmm. Yep. Could you imagine killing or kidnapping the President's children would affect his governing? Yes, keeping his family safe is paramount. This protection has been an ongoing thing for many many presidents. If you were president, you would get the same protection. It goes with the job. It has nothing to do with whether or not his kids are 'more important' than yours or mine; HE IS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, not Joe Citizen. Try to get that through your head, Margaret. He's THE PRESIDENT. You are not.
The government doesn't solve problems? Where's Osama? How come General Motors is still in business. How come the banks are still doing business? How come the elderly are getting the care they need? How come people who are unemployed still able to beans on the table? How come we are not still in Vietnam or Iraq?
Margaret, are you deluded or what?
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