The proverbial “Morning in America” dawned brightly for President
Barack Obama’s supporters when they woke upon November 7th — after a
long and tumultuous campaign — to a world their chosen candidate will
preside over until 2016. Yet, none of us could have possibly looked more
triumphantly beautiful and radiant than our beloved progressive media
angel Rachel Maddow — who opened her post-election day show by giddily
proclaiming, “That HAPPENED … it REALLY happened!” She even adorned her
customarily austere eyelids with a festive dash of purple eyeshadow for
this august occasion.
Maddow then got serious and launched into a litany of horrible things
that would have happened if Mitt Romney had won and Barack Obama had
lost. I had long known this already, but still got caught up with the
outrage and subsequent shudders of relief. For anyone who does NOT fully
understand the full extent of horrors our country has — thankfully —
rejected, I have transcribed, compiled, and organized Maddow’s
quotations into an easy-to-read
list format we can all easily appreciate
and share:
(1) “We are not going to have a Supreme Court that
will overturn Roe vs. Wade. There will be no more Antonin Scalias and
Samuel Alitos added to this court.”
(2) “We’re not going to repeal health reform.
Nobody’s going to kill Medicare and make old people in this generation —
or any other generation — fight it out on the open market to try to get
themselves health insurance. We’re not going to do that.”
(3) “We’re not going to give the 20% tax cut to
millionaires and billionaires, and expect [cutting] programs like food
stamps and kids’ health insurance to cover that tax cut.”
(4) “We’re not going to make you clear it with your boss if you want to get birth control with the insurance plan that you’re on.”
(5) “We are not going to redefine rape.”
(6) “We are not going to amend the constitution to stop gay people from getting married.”
(7) We’re not going to double down on Guantanamo.
(8) “We’re not eliminating the Department of Energy, the Department of Education, or Housing at the Federal level.”
(9) “We are not going to spend two trillion dollars on the military, that the military does not want.”
(10) “We are not scaling back on student loans because the country’s NEW plan is that you should borrow money from your parents.”
(11) “We are not vetoing the Dream Act, we are not ‘self-deporting.’”
(12) “We are not letting Detroit go bankrupt.”
(13) “We are not starting a trade war with China on Inauguration Day in January.”
(14) “We are not going to have — as a president — a
man who once led a mob of friends to run down a scared gay kid to hold
him down and forcibly cut his hair off with a pair of scissors while
that kid cried and screamed for help. (And there was NO apology, not
(15) “We are not going to have a Secretary of State
John Bolton. We are not going to bring Dick Cheney Back. We are not
going to have a foreign policy shop stocked with architects of the Iraqi
war, we are not going to do it … We had the choice to do that if we
wanted to do that, as a country, and we said no, last night, loudly.”
Yes, Ms. Maddow, we said “NO” as loudly as we could, and hopefully
even these kinds of retrogrades know by now that “NO” means “NO!”
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