The Rockin Johnny B

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


From a Mr. Wayne Butterfield [Die-hard Republican Tea Partier]

Democrats will refuse to cut spending

I appreciate the Press-Tribune bringing out Rep. Labrador voting against the “fiscal cliff” bill.  Poor ol' Raul.  He actually think by voting no he is drawing a line in the sand.  What he did was fall into his own tiger trap.  He'll have a very hard time getting anything he proposes through the Senate this year...or for the next 4-years because of that idiocy.  Even his own party is disgusted with him.

Several things to remember. This was not a fiscal cliff, it was only a fiscal step. He voted his conscience. I like people that vote for what is best, not what is easy.  Voting your concious is all well and good, Mr Butterfield, but Raul's conscous is not what he's there for.  He's there to vote his country's conscience not his.  He's there at the people's will, not his own.  What he did was alienate himself and now he's going to be a nonentity in the congress because of it.

This bill will have no benefit for the American public. The fiscal cliff is looming.  NO Benefit?: Let's examine that asinine statement.
What would have happened if we DID go over the so-called cliff...
 1.  Almost everyone who pays taxes would see a hit to take-home pay in the first paycheck of January. The lowest income tax rate would rise to 15 percent from 10 percent. The highest rate would rise to 39.6 percent from 35 percent. The 25 percent, 28 percent, and 33 percent rates would rise to 28 percent, 31 percent and 36 percent respectively. Most capital gains taxes would rise to 20 percent from 15 percent. The tax rate on dividends, now set at 15 percent, would jump to ordinary income tax rates, and since most dividend taxes are paid by the wealthy, that would mean a new dividend tax rate of 39.6 percent. The exemption on taxation of inherited estates would drop to $1 million from $5 million. The tax rate above that exemption would jump to 55 percent from 35 percent.

Even many of the working poor who do not earn enough to face such taxes would take a hit when a temporary, two-percentage-point cut to the payroll tax that funds Social Security and Medicare expires on Jan. 1. In all, taxes would rise by as much as $6 trillion over 10 years, $347 billion in 2013 alone, if the Bush-era tax cuts expire along with the payroll tax cut, and Congress fails to deal with the expanding alternative minimum tax, according to the Congressional Budget Office and Decision Economics Inc., a private economic forecaster.
On the spending side, most defense programs would be sliced by 9.4 percent. Most non-defense programs outside the big entitlements — Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — would be cut by 8.2 percent. Medicare would be trimmed by 2 percent. Social Security, veterans benefits, military personnel, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program would be exempt.

3.  So how did we get in this mess, Mr. Butterfield? 
President George W. Bush and Republicans in Congress could not muster the 60 votes in the Senate to pass Mr. Bush’s initial 10-year, $1.7 trillion tax cut in 2001, so they used a parliamentary tool called reconciliation to pass the tax cuts with a simple Senate majority of 51 votes. The catch was that this meant the tax cuts would expire after the 10-year budget window closed in 2011. In 2003, when Mr. Bush went back for another round of tax cuts, Republicans in Congress again used reconciliation to avoid a Democratic filibuster and maximized the initial size of the tax cuts by having them expire at the same time as the first tax cuts, in 2011.  DO YOU SEE Mr. Butterfield why we blame Dubya?  Do you?  And now your beloved Repub Congress is at it again.  Shame on you folks.

You seem to think now that Republicans have given in on taxes, Democrats will do their part in spending cuts. Wrong-O.

The president wanted $1.4 trillion in tax hikes and spending cuts. If you did much reading, you would have found out that he planned $1.6 trillion in spending increases. Most people don’t understand, but those numbers were for 10 years. That’s 140 billion per year. That is nothing, considering he is spending a trillion per year more than he is taking in.

We can’t keep spending like this. The budget has to be cut by a trillion per year. If he was going to do it, why didn’t he do it in the last four years?

Democrats screamed bloody murder when the Republicans wanted to cut $86 billion, when they should have cut $860 billion.

Hopes for spending cuts are admirable but badly misplaced. Mark my words, it’s not going to happen. Democrats will not cut spending. It’s not in their DNA. They’ll continue to blame Republicans, saying they want to starve the old and poor. What mainstream America doesn’t seem to want to understand is that Obamacare will strip $771 billion from Medicare. That’s what will hurt the old and poor, not Republicans.  Not so.  Obama saved $771 Billion for Medicare by cutting payments to hospitals and doctors because the Affordable Healthcare Act would bring increased revenue to both hospitals and doctors by having more patients participating in the healthcare process...because they were now insured and could actually go to a hospital or doctor and not have to stiff the payments cause they couldn't afford them.  This will actually be good for the economy and actually bring down medical costs to everyone.  Course, the Repubs would have you think that this 'Obamacare' business will bankrupt the entire country.  Let me show you why Repubs are not to be trusted: [see below in purple]

If Democrats did what was good for the American people and stop blaming Republicans, we wouldn’t be in this mess. The House can’t stand up against the president and Senate.  You are right Wayne, we should stop blaming you people, but let's face it, you people ARE THE PROBLEM.  We Americans stood by and watched your Republican congress filibuster for an entire 4-year period swearing that you were gonna make Obama a 1-term president.  That didn't work.  WE, the people of the United States of America, decided you were cowards and bullies and we voted in Mr. Obama for another 4-year term just to spit in your do-nothing faces.  While Obama was trying to do some good for this country y'all sat on your lard-butts and simply stared at him.  Well, now the table is turned.  The whole country is staring at you Repubs, Mr. Butterfield and you folks had better shape the hell up.

   Wayne Butterfield, Nampa

Ah Mr. Butterfield, you, of course, are saying the sky is falling, the sky is falling, right?  You and the rest of the Republican doomsayers are absolutely wrong and if you have your way, we'll dive right back into a bigger recession and maybe a full-blown depression.

I like what Paul Krugman [2008 Nobel Prize winner for Economics] says:  "And you should recognize all the hyped-up talk about the deficit for what it is: yet another disingenuous attempt to scare and bully the body politic into abandoning programs that shield both poor and middle-class Americans from harm."

Everytime Republicans open their mouths they yell WE GOTTA CUT SPENDING, WE GOTTA CUT THE DEFICIT.  Yet, they are the party that has caused this problem in the first place.  Course we aren't supposed to say the Name Dubya anymore because Obama's been in office for and a month?  Do you people realize that this problem has been going on since the 80's and even before?  We began borrowing money during the Civil War forgodsake.  We continue to borrow everytime we go to war and continue to borrow while we are fighting the war.

Let's examine the largest spending program in the world: Military.  We don't have a 'Spending Problem we have a Military Spending Problem.' [ Ezra Klein on January 7, 2013]

"As a broad point, I don’t think this proves that we have a spending problem rather than a taxing problem. It shows we have deficits driven by a range of factors, including tax cuts, war spending, the recessions, Medicare Part D, the stimulus, and more. It implies the solution should include measures to boost taxes, cut spending, and increase growth,. But if you want to argue that our current deficits are the result of overspending, then the military budget and the wars need to be the center of your analysis. Yet the Republican budget doesn’t envision big defense cuts and the 2012 Republican nominee for president sought large increases in defense spending."  [ Ezra Klein on January 7, 2013]

Since the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the defense spending has gone from $530 billion dollars [that's 1/2 trillion dollars folks] to $750 billion dollars [3/4 trillion dollars] and the Afghan war is still going on.

Here's why the Repubs are not to be trusted ...

As Republicans, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and are never deprived of property or forced to sacrifice one’s values for the benefit of others. We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized. Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. We defend the right of each individual to be free and to follow their own dreams in their own ways, unless the exercise of their freedoms infringes upon the valid rights of others.

In the following pages we have set forth our basic principles and enumerated various policies derived from those principles. Let it be clear that these specific policies are not our end goal. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free, and it is to this end that we stand together. (emphasis mine. They sure do love that word “free.” Too bad they don’t know what it means) Reading this, one would think we live in a dictatorship. We have more freedom now than we did when the country was founded but Tea baggers still think we should turn back the clock. How profoundly ignorant.
A Right to Life
1.1 We believe in the sacred gift of life from conception to natural death. On day one a baby’s genetic code and DNA are formed. That is the beginning of life. We affirm that the unborn child is a living human being, with rights separate from those of its mother regardless of gestational age or dependency. So every miscarriage is a potential homicide? How do you plan on prosecuting that? Will you issuing death certificates?
1.2 We oppose infanticide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. No assisted suicide? What happened to “We defend the right of each individual to be free and to follow their own dreams in their own ways?” I should die in agony from cancer because it makes YOU squeamish?
1.6 We oppose the use of public revenues for abortion, and call for elimination of government funding for all organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, which advocate or support abortion.  But we sure don’t mind using public revenue to blow up children in other countries! We’re pro-life!
1.3 We oppose any laws prohibiting and/or restricting Iowans from selling farm products directly from the farm to the consumer. But will you force the farms to follow guidelines for safety? No. Will you then hold farms accountable for outbreaks of E. Coli and the like? No. That would be punishing success or some such stupidity.
1.7 We oppose proposed Department of Labor regulations on the work of children on their own family’s farms. The Federal Government should not regulate young people working in agriculture through new labor laws, or revisions or new interpretations of existing ones. Because child labor is always in the best interest of a society. Work’em hard and long when they’re young and they’ll be too uneducated to question when they’re adults.
1.8 We oppose regulations that would require a state-certified electrician to perform all electrical work on a farm. Better to risk fire and death to save a few bucks on a “discount job.” Slumlords think this way.
1.14 We strongly oppose government monies being given to private organizations such as Planned Parenthood, AARP, ACORN, ACLU, and other groups which lobby for policies contrary to the views expressed in this platform. But funding for groups that support said views is fine? Amazing the level of hypocrisy is – Liberal Yoda. Oh, and by the way? 
1.16 We oppose federal funding for all media outlets. Because NPR tells too much of the truth and Sesame Street doesn’t spread conservative dogma.
1.7 We support a landlord’s right to refuse to lease property and a business owner’s right to refuse service based on moral grounds. So discrimination against, gays, minorities or whatever else I was raised to hate is just fine because it’s my “moral position?” Let freedom ring!
1.8 We demand the elimination of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the return of safety inspections and regulations to the IOSHA. That would be awesome! After corporations infiltrate and weaken IOSHA, we can get back to the freedom of dead or maimed workers! Safety drains the bottom line, after all.
Are you getting the basic gist of it? Remember, this is their CHOSEN platform. Here’s a little more:
1.2 We believe that claims of human-caused global warming are based on fraudulent, inaccurate information and that legislation and policy based on this information is detrimental to the wellbeing of the United States. We deplore extremist scare tactics not based on scientific evidence. We recognize it as a plan to take our freedoms and liberties away from the people through legislation. I was not aware the Iowa GOP was filled with scientists. Oh wait, they just watch Fox News so they’re experts in denial.
1.3 We call for closing government branches, offices, and agencies that strip us of economic prosperity in the name of saving the environment. We should eliminate policies and rules related to this. Yes, let us pollute the air we breath and the water we drink. What could possibly go wrong?
1.6 We strongly oppose the diabolical collusion of the United Nations in establishing the unconstitutional “sustainable development agenda 21” in our local communities, our state and our nation. Oh noes! The diabolical UN is gonna make us slaves or something. We don’t really know what Agenda 21 is but it sounds scary and we were told to be afraid of furrners.
1.7 We support Iowa Laws to ensure clean air, clean water, and safe management of wastes. However such laws and rules should be based on unbiased scientific research, risk analysis, economic impact, and common sense. Such research to be conducted by corporations, of course. We can’t trust a government scientist.
Family Values (See if you can spot the pattern)
1.1 We believe that the traditional family is the building block to a moral, healthy, and thriving society. No fags getting married.
1.9 We favor improving, strengthening, and simplifying the adoption process. But no fags.
1.10 We oppose adoption by homosexual individuals and couples. See? No fags.
1.12 We support non-familial adoption by heterosexual married couples consisting of one man and one woman, and believe that no law should infringe on faith-based adoptive service agencies that offer their services in accordance with their beliefs.  No fags. 
Foreign Policy
No Agenda 21…bla bla bla…no foreign aid…bla bla bla…no World Government…bla bla bla…Kyoto Protocols are evil..bla bla bla…No United Nations…bla bla bla…No mythical North American Union and No adoption of the Amero as currency…bla bla bla…Not a single word about not invading other countries under false pretenses or bringing our troops home.
Government: General
1.1 We believe the language in the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence is as relevant today as when it was penned. Any attempts to revise or deviate from the original intent of said documents must be vigorously opposed. Yes, the Forefathers were prepared for the internet, in vitro fertilization, stem cell research, cloning, space travel and a population of over 310 MILLION people from all over the world. By way of comparison, the first census recorded roughly 2.5 million people in 1777. By way of further comparison, Brooklyn, New York ALONE has that many people. Sure, the Constitution is totally up to date as it was originally written.
1.11 We support the public display of the Ten Commandments. I think that pretty much sums up the conservative “understanding” of government.
1.14 We call for a full investigation of the organization formerly known as ACORN and its
allied organizations, call for full prosecution of those involved in any illegalities
discovered, and call for elimination of government funding of such organizations. You mean the same ACORN that was shut down because of known hoax? The same one that no longer receives any funding because, again IT’S ALREADY BEEN DISBANDED? Is this a form of Tourette’s? Are we going to have to listen to you imbeciles trembling in fear of the awesome power of ACORN, the evil shadow organization that “stole” the 2008 election for another four years?

Government: Legislative Branch
1.2 Any federal or state legislator who proposes a new law or agency must stipulate at the beginning of the bill the exact section of the state or federal constitution under which the bill is proposed. Where do you suppose NASA fits in? Did Thomas Jefferson slip in a bit about “Space: The final frontier?”
Government: Executive Branch
1.3 We oppose the unconstitutional appointment and power of “Czars”. And what power would that be, precisely? The power to advise? Perhaps you can find the official job title that lists them as “Czars?” Or maybe, just maybe, you’re too fucking stupid to know that “Czar” is a nickname invented by the press so they would have to continually repeat “Adviser to the President for Public Health Emergency Preparedness” (AKA Bird Flu Czar) which gets really tedious. I almost can’t wait for a Republican president to get into office so I watch the backpedaling of the entire right over this childish non-issue.
1.5 We support the elimination of the departments of Agriculture, Education, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Energy, Interior, Labor, and Commerce as well as TSA, FDA, ATF, EPA, National Endowment for the Arts, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac. Because all these things can take care of themselves! McDonald’s would NEVER sell glasses to children with toxic metals in it! Who needs regulations?! Look at how good Somalia does with it!
Gun Rights
1.5 We call on the Iowa legislature to pass a “stand your ground” law similar to that in several other states. Because a life is definitely less important than “feeling manly.”
1.6 We believe that the term “assault weapon” should not be used as a term applicable to a semiautomatic weapon. Because semiautomatic weapons are great for hunting home defense skeet shooting killing people.
1.7 We call for the repeal of the law denying a citizen’s right to bear arms based on a single conviction for simple misdemeanor domestic assault. Because nothing says “We care about your safety” by letting a known wife-beater have access to a gun after his wife pressed charges.
Health Care (Think they’ll mention Medicare?)
1.1 We oppose nationalized Healthcare and support the repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare). Because we want a return to children without coverage from “pre-existing conditions” and allow insurance companies to take your money for years and then cancel your policy when you get cancer. FREEDOM!!!
1.14 We demand an end to the legal monopoly enjoyed by allopathic medicine and demand a level playing field for every legitimate health-care modality. Holy crap. What does this mean? They want to legalize homeopathy as “medicine.” Maybe we can toss in healing by prayer as well? I’ll stick with actual medical science, thank you very much.
Funny how these hardcore anti-government fanatics can’t bring themselves to condemn Medicare. Hmmmm…..
Homeland Security
1.3 We support behavioral profiling to identify possible terrorists. What you really mean is “profile Muslims.” Just say “Muslims” because we all know for a FACT that whenever the government even GLANCES at the network of potential domestic terrorists known as the militia movement, you squeal about tyranny. Because we all know only brown people can be terrorists.
Human Services
1.5 We believe, with the imminent bankruptcy of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, Republicans should take the lead in replacing these programs, over time, with private solutions. Oh, THERE’S the condemnation of Medicare! And Social Security, too! Of course, “over time” means that the elderly get it now because these programs are just fine for them. Have to be careful not to make the old folks think Republicans are trying to destroy these programs. For the rest of us in our old age? Tough shit.
No fags. 
Seriously, that’s pretty much the entire section.
Religious Freedom (Oh this should be good)
1.2 We assert that the public display of the Ten Commandments, nativity scenes, and other displays that honor the civilization that provided the philosophical basis for our cherished liberties, religious tolerance, and efforts to help the poor and oppressed around the world, are not “an establishment of religion,” do not compel or coerce others, and should be protected by the 1st Amendment. Riiiight, that’s why God and Jesus are specifically names in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence! Wait, they’re not?! Besides, if the Ten Commandments are the foundation of our country, then we should be putting up Jewish imagery. Christians are Johnny-come-latelys. And why no Muslim symbols? They certainly acknowledge the Old Testament as the foundation for Islam, just like Christianity does. No? I’m shocked. Really.
1.3 We oppose further attempts to remove any mention of God from the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, and other documents; or from our governmental buildings, monuments, or currency. Ah? You found the word “God” in the Declaration? I would LOVE to see that! I would also like to know who is attempting to remove it. Further, if you’re all about “originality” as you claim to be, then surely you know that the word “God” was only added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. Let’s get back to the original text just like you want! No? Again, I’m shocked.
1.4 We advocate freedom of public prayer and religious expression for all.  Except Muslims.
1.9 We believe that Judeo-Christian values and Scripture should not be excluded from government schools.  But ONLY Judeo-Christian. No Muslims.
1.10 We support the free-speech right of students to write and speak about God and religion in government schools. Unless they’re Muslim.
Right to Work
Unions are bad…bla bla bla…Right To Work…bla bla bla…free markets…bla bla bla…Wall Street Reform is bad…bla bla bla…minimum wage is evil…bla bla bla
All taxes are bad…bla bla bla…permanent Bush Tax cuts…bla bla bla…but they don’t have to be paid for…bla bla bla…lower corporate tax rates…bla bla bla…end Capital Gains tax…bla bla bla…end the Death Tax…bla bla bla…end the IRS…bla bla bla
 And there you have it: The Iowa GOP platform. Remember it the next time a conservative tells you that Obama is the one pushing social issues as a distraction. No one is forcing the GOP to go insane except for its own members. Maybe it’s time they took a little personal responsibility for how far off the deep end they’ve gone.

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